At my first open mic, as the host worked his way down the list and my slot got closer, I…
Scan an open mic audience and it’s a safe bet that at least half the people in the room are…
The first reason to go to any open mic is because it will be memorable. No matter what night you…
Here in the US, we’re at month four of not being able to gather in large groups. For people like…
One of the things I say a lot when I try—and I try often—to convey just how great an open…
A while back, I wrote about how to introduce yourself and your work at an open mic. This post is…
In the last 6 years, I’ve probably gone to more than 50 open mic nights. Each night featured anywhere from…
Hoo boy, if ever a blog needed a subtitle, it’s this one. I’ve been to maybe 20 open mics total,…
Open mics are like hair styles and lovers and garden art and…well, anything we choose based on what we like…
It hasn’t happened often, but more than once an open mic I showed up for failed to show up for…